Imam Ali's Instructions to Malik al-Ashtar
In the Name of God. the Merciful, the Compassionate
This is that with which ‘Ali, the servant of God and Commander of the Faithful, charged Malik ibn al-Harith al-Ashtar in his instructions to him when he appointed him governer of Eqypt:
to collect its land tax, to war against its enemies, to improve the condition of the people and to engender prosperity in its regions. He charged him to fear God, to prefer obedience to Him (over all else) and to follow what He has directed in His Book-both the acts He has made obligatory and those He recommends- for none attains felicity but he who follows His directions, and none is overcome by wretchedness but he who denies them and lets them slip by. …And he charged him to break the passions of his soul and restrain it in its recalcitrance, for the soul incites to evil, except inasmuch as God has mercy.؛ٰ
You are my light and my redemption; whom shall I fear?
You are the sronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
Though a host encamps against me, my heart will not fear; though war arises against me, yet I will be confident.
One thing have I asked of you, Yahweh, this I seek:
to dwell in Your house all the days of my life,
to behold Your beauty and to contemplate Your temple.
For You will hide me in Your shelter,
in the day of trouble You wil conceal me
under the cover of Your tent
and will set me high upon a rock…
Hear me when I cry aloud;
Be gracious to me and answer me!
خداوندا تو مایه روشنایی و رستگاری من هستی؛ دیگر از چه کسی باید بترسم؟ تو پشت و پناه من در زندگی هستی؛ مرا از دیگران چه باک!؟ با اینکه خیل زیادی اطراف مرا در برگرفته ولی قلبم بیمناک نخواهد گشت. اگر چه لشکر دشمن به سوی من می تازد ولی قلبم آرام و مطمئن است…تنها خواسته ام از تو آنست که تمام عمرم را در بارگاه تو ساکن باشم؛ زیبایی تو را به نظاره بنشینم و تاج عبودیت تو را بر سر نهم….چرا که یقین دارم تو مرا در آغوش خود پناه می دهی؛ در وقت درماندگی؛ مرا زیر چتر حمایتت قرار می دهیٰ و مرا سرفراز میکنی….پس از تو میخواهم ناله مرا بشنوی؛ این بنده ضعیف ت را ترحم کنی؛ و مرا اجابت کنی…آمین